Monday 3 June 2019

Algebra test tomorrow. Please review types of questions for each grade posted yesterday.

Today we reviewed different ways to represent fractions and what each representation tells us about the fraction.

The different ways we can show fractions are:

  • part of a whole
  • part of a set
  • number line
  • words
  • fraction (numbers with fraction bar)
  • percent*
  • decimal*

* Don't need to know for grade four.

The representation could tell us whether a fraction is less or greater than one, less or greater than half or in the case of number line, the unit fraction (counting by unit fractions).

Make sure you understand the meaning of the numerator and denominator!

Next up for review....equivalent fractions.

Social Studies
Many students used their time wisely today and completed a good portion of their culminating assignment. After you have revised your work, you are welcome to work on your book or pamphlet from home. Remember to add some VOICE or "spice" to your writing. Grade fours, including fascinating facts to grab the reader's attention. Don't just say they removed the organs when the body of a pharaoh was mummified, tell how they removed the brain using a hook from the nose! Be creative!

Grade fives, many students started their brochure and should be done by Wednesday.


  • Dancefest on Thursday (10:30 am for parents). Bring your BRIGHT BLUE shirts, black/navy shorts. If you have some blue face paint or blue ribbons/headbands, feel free to wear them.
  • ROM trip next Tuesday!

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