Sunday 9 June 2019

Image result for happy sunshine sunday
What a glorious long weekend you have had! I hope you spent lots of time outside enjoying the sunshine and playing.

Make sure you finish your fraction booklet. Grade four there is a game on one page. Play it if you like. If you have any questions, please make sure you ask them on Monday. For your fraction test on Thursday....
Grade 4:

  • Represent fractions (less than and greater then 1) different ways (number line, area model, part of a set, words, unit fractions)
  • Order fractions on a number line
  • Compare fractions (know equivalent fractions)
  • Count by fractions (forwards and backwards)
  • Understanding and describing the meaning of the numerator and denominator
Grade 5:

  • Represent fractions (less than and greater then 1) different ways (number line, area model, part of a set, words, unit fractions, DECIMALS, PERCENTAGES
  • Order fractions on a number line
  • Compare fractions (know equivalent fractions)
  • Count by fractions (forwards and backwards)
  • Understanding and describing the meaning of the numerator and denominator
  • Show visually why fractions are equivalent
  • Change from improper fractions to mixed numbers / mixed numbers to improper fractions
Social Studies
Grade fours should be finishing their book this weekend. Remember to include 8 different non-fiction features in your book. If you're short, try a textbox or sidebar. A "Did You Know?.... interesting tidbits of information on one of your subtopics. After tomorrow, you must spend your own time at school to finish your book. You will have a double period on the computers tomorrow morning. Many mind maps are not finished.....

Grade fives you should be done your brochure. We are going to have a mini-lesson on Truth and Conciliation tomorrow. I think some of you are a bit confused. I'm also going to give you a few minutes to reread your brochure. Many of you just copied the information word for word from the textbook.
Image result for plagiarism

Thanks to Ian who shared his questions and answers about his tool/object. I cannot give you back your project rubric until I receive them.

Your goal this week is to complete your book jacket on the Breadwinner.

The weather doesn't look very promising for Play Day tomorrow. If it rains, we will presenting refusal strategy skits tomorrow. Next up.... talk show.... who will you be like....

Image result for day time talk shows

Our trip to Toronto is TUESDAY. Woohoo! Some last minute details:

  • You must be at school at 6:00 am. The bus leaves at 6:15 am. We cannot wait if you are late. We hope to return to the school at approximately 7:00 pm. Check School Messenger for ETA. 

  • Bring money for dinner if you wish. We will be making a stop on the way home. You can also pack a dinner instead of buying dinner. 

  • Bring something to occupy you on the bus e.g. book, colouring, card game etc. No electronics. 

  • If you have a Disney DVD, feel free to bring it so we can watch a few movies on the way there and back.

  • Wear uniform. 

  • Bring a hearty lunch, snacks, drinks, water etc.  We are on the bus for about four hours.The lunchroom will be reserved for us at a certain time. IT IS NOT NEAR THE CAFETERIA. 

  • Check out the ROM website below to have some ideas of the exhibits you’d like to visit: 

  • Play Day tomorrow. Off uniform
  • Trip to the ROM is Tuesday @ 6:00 am
  • First Nations visitors on Wednesday
  • School Mass on Friday at St. George

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