Sunday 2 June 2019

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Algebra test Tuesday.
Grade 4:

  • Find the rule to input /output machines
  • Solve for an unknown variable 
e.g. 48 - b = 29
  • Solve for variables (5 solutions arranged in a t-chart) to balance equations 

e.g. a + b = 11 + 7     or        a + 6 =  15 - b

  • Write story problems to match equations, write the meaning of each term of the equation according to your problem, draw a picture to match your problem, solve your problem. Remember multiplication and division can be sharing, grouping, array or a times as many problem.

e.g. d x 9 = 63

Grade 5

  • All of the grade 4 expectations above
  • Find a 2-step rule to input / output machines
  • Create algebraic expression to match story problems or pattern rules across a t-chart

e.g. Write an expression to show the rule for any term number (across the table)
a x 2 + 1  Where a is the term number (1, 2, 3, etc)

e.g. In the summer Charlotte swims 20 minutes each day.
s x 20  Where s is the number of days and 20 is the number of minutes each day

  • Write the meaning of the terms in an algebraic equation from a problem

e.g. Carter received $100 for his birthday. He bought a baseball book a video game for $87. The book cost $25
What does the p represent in the equation 87 + p = 100
What does the b represent in the equation 25 + b = 87
How much money does Carter have left?
How much did Carter spend on the video game?

Social Studies
Grade 4 are working to complete their early society book this week.
Grade 5 are working on completing their brochure this week.

Congratulations to all track and field athletes. 
Everyone competed magnificently and had a wonderful day at the meet!
Image result for congratulations animated

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