Sunday 26 May 2019

Image result for toronto raptors
What a game!

On Friday we took algebraic equations and made story problems from them. An equation can represent the answer to a word problem.

The equation 4 x a = 32 could represent the following word problem:

Abby counted 32 dog legs at the dog park. How many dogs were there?

The variable a represents the number of dogs because the number of dogs multiplied by the number of legs (4) is equal to the total amount of legs.

Another problem using the same equation:

Ewan has 4 times as many books as David. Ewan has 32 books. How many books does David have?

What an equation helps you understand is the MEANING of the numbers in a word problem.

In grade 5, we looked at equations using all operations. They also described some strategies to find the value of variables.

Understanding that multiplication if the reverse of division and subtraction is the reverse of addition helps you solve unknown variables in equations.

71 - b = 29

There are few strategies you could use to solve this equation.

Strategy #1: Guess and test.
Subtract friendly numbers (e.g. multiples of 10) and then go higher or lower based on the answer.

71 - 50 = 21 The answer I need to get is 29 so I subtracted too much. I need to subtract less to get a higher answer. How much less? Well the difference between 29 and 21 is 8 so if I subtract 8 less I should get the correct answer for b. Let's try!

71 - 42 = 29 .... it worked!

Strategy #2: Use the opposite operation

I know that if I add 29 + b I should get 71. Using mental math....29 + 40 = 69 I need to add 2 more to get to 71 so the answer is 42.

Here are a few games for extra practice:

Social Studies
Grade fours you should be almost finished gathering your information on your Early Society. You should have your information by Wednesday of this week. This week we will also talk about the family life and the roles of men, women and children in Ancient Rome and Judea.

On Wednesday we will talk about how to write an introduction and a conclusion. On Thursday and Friday you will be given time to write your gathered information in sentences.Starting the week of June 3rd, you will be given two periods every day to type out your research. You must use your class time effectively!

Grade fives should be finishing up your mind maps this weekend. Make sure you add illustrations that are clear and visible (large). If you have large gaps on your mind map, then you didn't use the space wisely.

On Wednesday you will be constructing your shelter and your artifact. This is not a group project. I'm not sure why some of you thought it was. Gather as much natural material as possible. You will not be able to use all natural material, but use as much as you can. Make sure you have a base to place your model on, something fairly sturdy.

Remember the first part of your assignment..... writing 5 questions about your object and researching the answers. For example, if you construct a spear, questions could be..... How was it constructed? What type of wood was used for the base? head? How did they use the spear in hunting? What did they hunt using a spear?

Your answers may be only true for a specific First Nations community e.g. Inu or Iroquois, so please include that in your answers.

We will be discussing First Nations Spirituality (religion) this week. The rest of the assignment (Part 3) will be done using the textbook independently.
Image result for first nation spirituality

You will be given the week of June 3rd to complete your brochure on the computer so you must gather the answers to the topic of each section this week.

Family Life
On Friday we talked about friendship, the qualities of a good friend and how to be a good friend. Your last media assignment is a slide show on friendship with your Kindergarten buddy as your audience.

Some qualities we acted out included.... honesty, loyalty, kindness, respect, cooperation, being yourself, sensitive (empathetic), dependable, trustworthy, ready to forgive, good listener, supportive, accepting...

Outline of assignment:

Create a slide show that communicates:

  • the importance of friendship 
  • how to be a good friend
  • include examples to show each quality
  • your audience is your buddy!
  • be creative!
Image result for friendship clipart


  • Items for "Grill Lovers" basket

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