Thursday 23 May 2019

Take home idea today...... ORGANIZING OR MANAGING TIME. We have two important assignments due in the next two weeks. You are given plenty of class time to work on them each day. It is important that you set goals for each day and WRITE THEM IN YOUR AGENDA.

Grade 4:
Research assignment on an early society of choice.

Step 1: Gather information from books on the assigned subtopics
Step 2: Write gathered information in sentences (1-2 paragraphs on each) then submit for review
Step 3: Type each subtopic on a separate page using Google Docs
Step 4: Add non-fiction text features (e.g. picture, maps, diagrams, headings, special type)
Step 5: Write an introduction and a conclusion
Step 6: Write "about the author"
Step 7: Create a title page, dedication page, table of contents, glossary (time permitting)

Grade 5:
First Nations assignment:
Step 1: Research ways to construct a wigwam or longhouse
Step 2: Gather natural materials to make a model
Step 3: Write 5 questions about a tool or object used by First Nations People
Step 4: Write answers to questions
Step 5: Gather natural materials to make object (doesn't have to be complicated)
Step 6: Construct shelter and object at school (Monday or Wednesday)

Grade 4/5
Breadwinner book cover
Step 1: Summarize - setting, problem, character traits (Parvana),plot and theme
Step 2: Submit for review
Step 3: Copy summaries onto book cover
Step 4: Design cover reflecting the theme and content of the book
Step 5: Research the author and her inspiration for writing the novel

Grade 5
Mind map of roles in First Nations communities

Grade 4
Mind map of natural resources in Ancient Rome or Judea

Grade 4/5
Keith Haring art


  • Permission forms for track and field
  • Mathletics assignments

Image result for sprint to the finish
We're on the homestretch!

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