Wednesday 22 May 2019

Today we learned how to write equations using variables. We used our input / output rules to form the equations. For example:
We give the input a variable and the output a variable.

We'll call the input numbers a and the output numbers b

The equation is a x 3 = b

Once we write an equation with the rule, we can solve b for any value of a. If a = 6 then b = 6 x 3 = 18

Do you understand the difference between EXPRESSIONS and EQUATIONS?

Image result for variables, expressions and equations
Test on median and mode (grade 4) and median, mode and mean (grade 5).

Example question:

Find the median, mode and mean test mark of the following data:

Image result for stem and leaf plot

REMEMBER: If the data is about something specific e.g. temperature, mm, minutes, you must include that unit in your answer.

Social Studies
Early Societies:
We continued discussing natural resources in Ancient Rome and Judea. What were some of the different ways water was gathered and stored? Why was water so important? What were the structures below called?

Image result for aqueduct

Water was also stored in CISTERNS

Image result for ancient cistern

Most students started gathering information for their research project today. Remember, books only.

First Nations
We discussed the roles of different members of the community. Most grade fives began their mind map. You should be thinking about how you will construct your model shelter of a wigwam or longhouse. 

The board for the Breadwinner looks great. It's just about ready for use!

  • Complete Mathletics assignments
  • Permission form for Track and Field
  • Items for "Grill Lovers" basket

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