Tuesday 21 May 2019

Today we began our unit in Algebra. One of the learning goals is making algebraic equations. We started with input and output machines. You should be able to:

  • write the rule given the input and output
  • write the output given the input and the rule
  • write the input given the output and the rule

Please complete the practice pages. If you have a lot to do ask yourself, "Did I use my class time wisely?"

Some pages have rules that are two steps. If you are having difficulty with those grade four, skip those questions. All the two-step rules are x ___ + ____

Test on median, mode and mean (grade 5) on Thursday. Please correct / complete practice questions.

Social Studies
Early Societies
Grade fours began the day comparing the physical regions with the amount of precipitation that falls in each area. You also made some conclusions. For example, in both Ancient Rome and Judea the plains had a good amount of rainfall. One conclusion would be that the plains would be a good place to farm and the live (fresh water supply).

What is a natural resources?

Image result for natural resource definition

Early societies began in areas that were rich in natural resources because everything they needed to survive came from their environment. No Superstore and definitely no Starbucks!

We began reading about farming in Ancient Rome and Judea (soil). You constructed another chart comparing the farming practices e.g. planting, types of crops, farm animals, tools. You will continue working on that chart tomorrow.

Our next natural resource is WATER.

First Nations
Grade fives we also talked about the importance of the environment to the First Nations Peoples. They used their environment for food, shelter, clothes, transportation, tools, weapons and medicine. Did you find the answers to your three research questions? If not, try to find the answers at home tonight. What is sinew and what was it used for? They dry it out before they use it.... did I mention that?

You were also given your culminating assignments for this unit. You will be working on collecting the materials for #2, building a model of a longhouse or wigwam from natural materials and a tool or item. You will be constructing your item next MONDAY.

Image result for wigwamImage result for wigwam
Image result for wigwam inside

Two different types of wigwams. What do you see on the inside?

Image result for longhouse

Related image

What are some of the things you notice on the inside of the longhouse?

We are working as a class to summarize the important elements of the Breadwinner... setting, plot, problem, characters and theme. Your culminating activity is designing a book jacket that includes all of those elements. We should finish the anchor charts by Friday.


  • We are on the homestretch. You will have four assignments to finish in the next four weeks. Most must be completed at school. It is important that you SELF-REGULATE and use your class time wisely.
  • Data tests signed
  • Permission form and money for track and field
  • Items for "Grillers Delight" basket

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