Tuesday 14 May 2019

Social Studies
Both grades had a small assignments about artifacts.

Grade 4:

  • Draw a picture of something that you own that could be found 20 000 years from now. In several sentences, tell what that object would say about you or children your age.

Grade 5:

  • Draw an artifact that a future archaeologist might find in this area. Write a paragraph about what clues the artifact could give future historians about life in this time period. 

  • What clues do the artifacts on page 113 give you about the lives of first nations people?

Today we talked about mode, median and mean (grade 5)
Image result for range mode median mean

Complete your homework exercises. We will talk a bit more about the uses of these three numbers to describe the data or summarize the data.

Test tomorrow:
Grade 4 Stem and Leaf Plots
Make sure you can construct one, including titles, labels; find the range; make conclusions about the data; and compare two different plots

Grade 5 Collecting Useful Data
Make sure you understand the meaning of a population, representative population, sample and random sample. Some tips to conducting a good survey to collect useful data include:

For example: You want to find out what kind of fruit students in the school like to eat. 
What question could you ask (including options)?
What is your population? (St. Nicholas School)
What might be a sample of the population? (5 students from each class)
How could you get a representative sample? (Choose every fifth person a class list)

  • Gym clothes for track and field practice (sweatpants and hoodies if it's cool)
  • Items for class basket (grill-lovers). Examples: BBQ utensils, spices, BBQ sauce, non-stick BBQ sheets (available at COSTCO), apron, skewers, meat thermometer, cleaning brush, timer, cookbook, gift cards
  • Order forms for end of the year BBQ (Harveys)
  • Active-Forms (grade 4)

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