Monday 13 May 2019

Today grade fours practiced constructing double bar graphs using given data and data collected from experiments (linking paper clips and elastics). Neatness, organization, an appropriate scale, labeled axes and a title are very important. Go through your notebook tonight and complete all work. Check over to make sure you have communicated conclusions clearly. Conclusions must be specific to the data.

In grade five we talked about bar graphs with intervals. A bar graph with intervals is similar to a stem in leaf plot. They both group data.

To determine the interval, you must look at the range of the data and the number of bars you would like in your graph. Graphs with four or five bars are most common.

For example:

The range is 66- 11 = 55

55 is about 60. 60 divided by 6 bars is an interval of 10

10 - 19
20 - 29
30 - 39
40 - 49
50 - 59
60 - 69

To find the interval, divide the range by the number of bars in your graph.

We will begin Data Management Tests this week.

Wednesday: Stem and Leaf Plots (grade 4) / Factors that Affect Survey Results
Thursday: Double Bar Graphs (grade 4) / Broken Line Graphs and Temperature Change (grade 5)
Friday: Comparing Data from graphs / Bar Graphs with Intervals

In each case you must be able to draw conclusions from your data. Please study the coloured pages in your duotang.

There are some review questions from Sunday's post and Mathletics assignments for extra practice.

Social Studies
In grade four we began our discussion of Early Societies and in grade five we began our unit on First Nations of Eastern Canada. Think of a few questions your have about each topic if you didn't get a chance.


  • Phys. Ed tomorrow.... be prepared to dance!
  • End of the year BBQ order forms
  • Grade 4 "Active Pass" applications
  • Class basket theme is "Grill Lovers". Anything related to barbecuing.

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