Sunday 12 May 2019

Image result for happy mother's day

Big hugs for your Mom today!

In grade 4 we have done the following in Data Management:

  • surveyed students in the class and in other classes
  • recorded results from surveys using tally charts
  • constructed single bar graphs to display results from surveys
  • made conclusions from data represented on graphs
  • performed experiments to collect data
  • represented results from experiments using stem and leaf plots
  • compared data from two experiments 
  • constructed double bar graphs

In grade 5 we have done the following in Data Management:

  • surveyed the class
  • recorded results from surveys using tally charts
  • constructed single bar graphs to display results from surveys
  • made conclusions from data represented on graphs
  • looked at factors that affect survey results including population, representative sample, wording of survey question, bias (tone of voice)
  • constructed broken line graphs
  • communicating trends of broken line graphs
  • measuring temperature using a thermometer
  • constructing double broken line graphs
  • calculating the temperature difference including temperature readings with negative numbers

Because of the play, a few students have practice questions to complete. You must finish all work as soon as possible.

We will be moving on to RANGE, MEDIAN, MODE and MEAN (grade 5)

Short tests will begin on Wednesday.

Most students have a good understanding of how to construct the different graphs and plots, but making specific and relevant conclusions is a bit more challenging.

What conclusions could you make of the following graphs?

Image result for double bar graph
Number of Bus Trips Per Day in Toronto
Image result for broken line graph

Image result for stem and leaf plots
Although double bar graphs and stem and leaf plots are not part of the grade 5 curriculum, grades fives should understand how the read and construct them.


Please complete all Mathletics assignments particularly those related to Data Management.


  • Track and Field practice tomorrow, weather permitting. Bring your gym clothes

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