Monday 6 May 2019

Image result for happy birthday clipart

I think everyone and grade 4 understood how to construct a stem and leaf plot. Remember like any graph, it needs a title.

Image result for stem and leaf plot
A stem and leaf plot is somewhat like a horizontal bar graph except it groups the data in tens and all data is on the plot. It is important that numbers are lined up on the plot. If you don't line them up, you won't be able to see trends such as which group of numbers appear more often.

Some practice interpreting data from stem and leaf plots:

Some stems include HUNDREDS and TENS.

In grade 5 we thought about how we survey people and what things we must take into consideration.

Key Terms
population: the entire group you want to learn about by collecting data; for example, if you want to know how the students at a school would like to celebrate a special day, the population is all the students at that school

random: describes an outcome that cannot be predicted with any certainty

representative: a survey sample that has characteristics similar to the entire population; for example, a sample that includes students in each class could be representative of all the students in a school, while a sample that includes only Grade 6 students would not

sample: a small group selected from a larger group (or population) for the purposes of collecting data about the larger group

survey: a record of observations about a group of people gathered by asking questions or interviewing some of the people in the group

Think carefully about your survey question and how you would conduct the survey.

Today we finished reading "The Breadwinner". Did we find out what happens to Parvana's mother? sisters? brother? You can see from the picture below why we were left hanging.

Image result for parvana trilogy


  • Mathletics assignments
  • Cardboard for arm assignment

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