Sunday 5 May 2019

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Remember to complete your Mathletics assignments, particularly those related to Data Management. Tomorrow we will study stem and leaf plots in grade four and  in grade five we will talk about some things to think about when we are collecting data including:

  • population
  • samples
  • random samples
  • representative samples
It is going to be a very busy week for students involved in the play. You must work hard at school because it will be too difficult to complete homework when you are performing in the evenings.

Some students have begun the topic of bones and muscles. You will not have a test for this topic, but an assignment which includes a model of the the bones in the arm. You must communicate on the assignments how the bones and muscles work together to makes your arm straighten and bend at the elbow joint. You will also have to know the functions of the bones and muscles in your body and the meaning of the following:
  • ligament
  • joint
  • tendon
  • humerus
  • ulna
  • radius
  • examples of different joint movements
Helpful video:

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