Wednesday 24 April 2019

In grade 4 we made SKELETONS of different prisms and pyramids. Great work! Most were very well constructed. Tomorrow we will complete our booklets with the sketches and properties of our skeleton figures.
Image result for prism skeleton math

In grade 5 we talked about NETS. A net is a pattern that folds into a 3-D shape. There are many different nets that can fold into the same figure or shape. Look at the nets below. Will all of them fold to make a triangular prism?

Image result for nets triangular prism
Tomorrow you will finish sketching your different nets for pyramids and prisms and listing your properties. You will also fold a net for a polyhedron. A polyhedron is a solid with many faces. We have looked at REGULAR polyhedrons, each face is made of a regular polygon.

Here is a link to see the 3-D shapes:

One of the expectations is to construct your own net. This will require precise measurements. Think about which one you would like to construct from your OWN pattern.

Today we read, viewed and discussed the second Easter Story, The Road to Emmaus. What does it mean to "open the eyes of your heart"? How were Simon and Cleopas' hearts opened by Jesus' words?

Related image

Here is another version of the story:

Circulatory test tomorrow. Remember to use the study guide posted on April 12th. Can you follow the blood through the circulatory system?
Image result for circulation of blood

  • Track and field tryouts on Friday.
  • Off uniform Friday.
  • Grandparents day May 1st.

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