Thursday 25 April 2019

Easter Stories:
At the Tomb (John 20: 1- 18)
On the Road to Emmaus (Luke 24: 13-35)
The Upper Room (John 20: 19 - 29)

Sorrowful mysteries questions:
The Agony in the Garden
·                  Have people ever let you down?
·                  Have you ever let someone you love down? Did they still love you?
·                  Why should you turn to God when you are anxious?

Scourging at the Pillar
  • Why should you forgive those who treat you badly?

 The Crowning With Thorns
  •       Think of a time when someone made fun of you. How did you feel?
  •       Think of a time when you   have watched someone being made fun of. What did you do as a bystander?

 The Carrying of the Cross
·         Have you ever wanted to help someone but couldn’t?
·         How did that make you feel?
·         How do you feel when you help others?

The Crucifixion
·         What sacrifices to others make for you?
·         How do you show your gratefulness?

 Circulatory System Test:
Words to know and understand the meaning:
chambers of the heart (atria and ventricles)
breathing rate

Follow a drop of blood as it enters the different chambers of the heart, travels to the lungs, back to the heart, to your body and back to your heart. What happens at each stop?
What are the three parts of the circulatory system (blood, blood vessels, heart)
What is deoxygenated blood?

Thinking / Application
How could you conduct an investigation that shows the effect of exercise on your heart and breathing rates?
How can you keep your heart healthy?
What are the benefits of exercise  on the body?
Why does exercise keep your heart healthy?
Why does shivering keep us warm? What does sweating keep us cool?

Video clip from today on the benefits of exercise:


  • Track and Field tryouts. Come to school ready to run, throw and jump (off-uniform). Dress in layers, bring a water bottle, a hearty lunch and plenty of snacks.... you'll be hungry.

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