Tuesday 23 April 2019

You circulatory system test is on Thursday. Last Monday (April 15th) I outlined all the questions on the blog. Please study using your textbook and notebook.

Today we discussed the first Easter story. We used the 5 Ws to summarize the story. Our next Easter story...
Image result for road to emmaus

Where does Jesus appear next?

Today we began our unit on 3-D Geometry. Today was a day to learn different terms and practice sorting 3-D shapes using rules. We discussed the different properties of 3-D shapes.

Image result for properties of 3d shapes

You should know the difference between prisms and pyramids and be able to tell the number of faces, bases, edges and vertices of pyramids and prisms (grade 4). Review new vocabulary on the green pages of your duotang. What is the relationship between the number of sides in the base of a prism and the number of edges? What is the relationship between the number of sides in the base of a pyramid and the number of faces? You should start to see patterns.

Grade 5 we talked about right prisms vs oblique prisms, curved shapes and polyhedrons.

Image result for right and oblique prisms

We primarily focused on regular polyhedrons.
Image result for polyhedrons definition

When you are asked to sort based on a sorting rule think of the properties of the 3-D shapes including shape of faces, number of faces.

Parvana felt free today. Why?

As we near to the end of the school year, completion of homework is VERY important. Some of you try not to have homework. You work really hard, but sometimes you rush. It is essential that you review new learning each and every evening.


  • Indoor shoes
  • School mass 2:00 pm tomorrow.
  • End of the year field trip money and permission form

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