Tuesday 9 April 2019

Grade fours discussed the relationship between division and multiplication. Multiplication is repeated addition and division is repeated subtraction. We can use our knowledge of related multiplication facts to find the quotient.

For example:
Dante and three friends helped clean up a neighbour's yard. The neighbour gave them $28 to share equally for their hard work. How much did each person get?

Dante and three friends is 4 people
$28 ÷ 4 people = $7 each person

The related multiplication fact to help you solve the division sentence is 7 x 4 = 28

We check our quotient by using multiplication.

quotient x divisor = dividend

Extra practice:

Grade fives continued with 2-digit by 2- digit multiplication. We used base ten blocks for the Action Task to show 2-digit multiplication.

Here is a site to use virtual blocks:

You can complete the questions using rectangle blocks or boxes.
Image result for multiplication box method
Extra Practice:

Today you rehearsed your debate with your opposing group. Make sure you have as many arguments as possible to support your position. You should also include arguments that might be made by the group you are debating so that you are able to COUNTER ARGUE your position.
The debate question:
Are you for or against the display ban on tobacco products?

Tobacco Farmers vs Family Doctors
Smokers vs Non-smokers
Children vs Tobacco Company

Tomorrow you will be completing the exit ticket for your lung model. The fill in the blank sheet in your duotang has everything you need to know.

Make sure you finish questions # 2 and #3 of chapter 1. We will be talking about different kinds of questions throughout the week.


  • Shrek tickets, t-shirts and best wishes
  • Indoor shoes

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