Thursday 11 April 2019

Today the grade fours learned how to use related facts to multiply larger numbers.
For example:
6 x 7 = 42 so
6 x 70 = 6 x 7 tens
           = 42 tens
           = 420

9 x 600 = 9 x 6 hundreds
             = 54 hundreds
             = 5400

7000 x 8 = 7 thousands x 8
               = 56 thousands
               = 56 000

After a while you see there is a short cut when multiplying by multiples of 10, 100 and 1000.
Multiply by a multiple of 10 add 1 zero to the multiplication fact
Multiply by a multiple of 100 add 2 zeros to the multiplication fact
Multiply by a multiple of 1000 add 3 zeros to the multiplication fact.

Make sure you understand WHY you add zeros to the basic multiplication fact.

Extra practice:

Grade five we learned the standard algorithm (pencil and paper) for 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication.

Here's a video explaining the strategy:

So far we have 2 strategies to multiplying multi-digit factors.
1. We can use the rectangle or box or area method.

Image result for 2 digit by 2 digit box method

2. We can use the standard algorithm.

Image result for 2 digit by 2 digit multiplication steps
3. We can also make an easier question and use reasoning to find the product.

For example:

36 x 54

half of 36 is 18 and half of 18 is 9

54 x 10 = 540 so
54 x 9 = 540 - 54 = 486

Double 486 to get 54 x 18  486 + 486 = 972
Double 972 to get 54 x 36  972 + 972 = 1944

Make sure you know several ways to multiply multi-digit numbers.

Everyone completed their debates today. Many good arguments were given for both sides of the issue of cigarette displays.
Don't forget to take your lung model home tomorrow and get your assessment signed.

We will be having a test on the circulatory system on THURSDAY. (Ms. Burchat's last day).

Please take your notebook home and make sure you have handouts completed. We did not have a test on the respiratory system, but it is related to the circulatory system.

Half the class was able to code a microbit to make a step-counter. So far Nathan is our step champion. If you did not get a chance to make one today, you can try tomorrow!

Go onto Curiocity at home to learn the coding sequence for a step-counter.


  • Grandparent's Day letter
  • End of the year field trip permission form
  • Shrek t-shirt orders, best wishes and tickets
  • Silly hair day tomorrow
Image result for silly hair dayImage result for silly hair day

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