Saturday 30 March 2019

Grade 4 Test:

  • Reading and writing time on an analogue clocks to the nearest minute
  • Writing time before and after the hour in words

Write the following times using numbers and words.

  • Estimating elapsed time (nearest quarter of an hour i.e. __:15 / __:30 / __:45 / __:00)

Estimate the elapsed time.

  • Elapsed time to the nearest minute with and without using a time line

David looked at the clock before he left for the day and when he returned home. For how long was he gone?

  • Find end time given start and elapsed time

What time will it be 25 minutes after 3:15 p.m.?
What time will it be 1 hour 13 minutes after 4:55 p.m.?
If you wake up at 7:30 a.m., and it takes you ten minutes to eat your  breakfast, five minutes to brush your teeth, 25 minutes to wash and get dressed, five minutes to get your backpack ready, and 20 minutes to get to school, will you be at school by 9:00 a.m.? 

  • Find start time given end and elapsed time

What time will it be 8 hours 30 minutes before 10:45 a.m.?

  • Solve problems involving changing from years, decades, centuries and millenniums

How many years is 4 decades?
How many years is 3 centuries?
How many years is 2 decades and 2 years?

How many years is 3 centuries and 4 decades

  • Elapsed time in years, decades, centuries

Alexander Graham Bell made the first telephone call in 1876. How many years ago was that? Decades ago?

  • Choosing the most appropriate unit of time in different situations

What unit would you use to measure.....
time to brush your teeth
length of a cross country race
age of your dog
length of an ice age

Putting is all together......

Grade 5 Test

  • Reading and writing time on an analogue clock to the nearest second.
  • Writing time before and after the hour in words


  • Writing time using the 12 and 24 hour clocks (changing between the two)

Write the times using the 12-Hour Clock

  • Estimating elapsed time (nearest quarter of an hour i.e. __:15 / __:30 / __:45 / __:00)


  • Elapsed time to the nearest second with and without using a time line

  • Elapsed time in hours, days, weeks, years, 


How far apart are the days:
Day 1: 20 December 2019

Day 2: 18 March 2025

  • Find end time given start and elapsed time

Fermi Squirrel wakes up at 7:34 a.m. and it takes him 8 minutes and 25 seconds to eat a nut, 12 minutes to jump into the unknown, 24 and a half minutes to enjoy the view, 26 minutes and 42 seconds to play dead, and 11 minutes and 50 seconds to return home.
Will Fermi Squirrel be ready to prepare his next exit plan at 9:00 a.m.? Show all your work.
Find start time given end and elapsed time

Ava’s school is almost 25 years old. It will celebrate its anniversary 2 years, 3 months, and 9 days from today.


  • Tickets for "Shrek Jr." are on sale! Please bring money or proof of online payment with your green order form.
  • Mathletics assignments
  • Time test on Thursday
Congratulations to Emme, Megan, Abby, Elayna, Gregory, Andre, Carter and Nathan! 
The Junior Ice Hockey Team won the LDCSB tournament. 
Way to go Nighthawks!
Image result for hooray clipart

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