Thursday 28 March 2019

Some problems to think about....

Gracie takes about 25 minutes to read 17 pages of "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix". How long will it take her to read 100 pages?

If you wake up at 7:30 a.m., and it takes you ten minutes to eat your breakfast, five minutes to brush your teeth, 25 minutes to wash and get dressed, five minutes to get your backpack ready, and 20 minutes to get to school, will you be at school by 9:00 a.m.?

Fermi Squirrel wakes up at 7:34 a.m. and it takes him 8 minutes and 25 seconds to eat a nut, 12 minutes to jump into the unknown, 24 and a half minutes to enjoy the view, 26 minutes and 42 seconds to play dead, and 11 minutes and 50 seconds to return home. 
Will Fermi Squirrel be ready to prepare his next exit plan at 9:00 a.m.? Show all your work.

Using a t-chart for the first problem is a good strategy. 

For the next two problems, adding all the times and getting a total elapsed time might be easier than counting up activity by activity.

On a test, circling all the minutes in one colour and seconds in another colour is a good strategy. Add all the seconds and regroup groups of 60 s as minutes. Add all the minutes and regroup groups of 60 minutes as hours. Then add up from the start time when you have a total elapsed time.

Mathletics assignments were given. You must calculate on a paper or white board. Do not try to determine elapsed time in your head.

Time booklet is due Tuesday. It's a good review of most of the topics in time.

What an AMAZING presentation by Eric Walters. After listening to him speak and the inspiration behind his books, I'm going to check out some of his books in the library!

Image result for eric walters
Check out his website:

Thank you Mrs. Allen for arranging this wonderful presentation. 


Image result for respiratory system

Here's the link for the respiratory system video:

Some students practiced following a breath of air into the body and the exhalation of carbon dioxide outside the body using the vocabulary words. You should know the path.

Did anyone find out why one lung is larger than the other? Take a look at the diagram below:

Image result for lungs

Congratulations to all students at school today. Everyone worked quietly and productively even though 8 students were away at the hockey tournament.

Image result for hooray

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