Thursday 7 February 2019

We are just almost finished our unit on adding and subtracting money. Test sometime next week. Make sure you complete your homework questions and review the different strategies for adding a subtracting money.

Physical Education
It was a delight watching everyone showcase their talents on the gymnastics equipment. Everyone tried very hard and did very well. I loved seeing some of the gentlemen attempting cartwheels.... Bravo!

Image result for cartwheel

Share with a parent the historical story we read today "Outside the Gates". We will review the features of historical fiction next week. Do you remember them?

Here is a photo of Terezin ghetto / concentration camp today. You can see all the gravestones of those that died. It was not an "extermination" camp, but many Jews lost their lives because of the terrible living conditions. Many Jew were sent from Terezin to Auschwitz were they were killed.

Related image

Everyone worked diligently on their sacrament mind map. When we return from our trip tomorrow, you will be given time to put the finishing touches on your assignments.


  • Field trip tomorrow. We will be late returning to school so bring a light lunch if you ordered hot lunch. You will get your lunch when we return.
  • Look for a list of names for Valentine cards on the blog (last week)
  • Last day to buy candy-grams tomorrow

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