Family Life
On Friday we talked about the end of the journey. There are three main ideas from the lesson:
- When people die, it's a difficult time for family and friends. There is sadness.
- People who have died are with God. They continue to pray for us and we continue to pray for them.
- We try to be a good friend to those who are sad because someone they love has died.
We talked a bit about what happens at the funeral home and at the funeral mass.
What can you do to support those who are experiencing loss?
- You can pray for them and the person who has died.
- You can spend time with them and listen to them.They might not want to talk about what happened, but we can still show that we care.
Make sure you have written the name of the person(s) you would like us the pray for on a leaf. We will offer a prayer for them during afternoon "Hail Mary".

Race Against Drugs
Wow! What an amazing and informative field trip. I hope you learned from the presenters at each station. It's all about making good choices....
- What do you do when there is a grease fire on the stove?
- Is gambling or playing the lottery a quick way to make money?
- Should you say something online to someone that you wouldn't say face to face?
- Do we know the health effects of vaping?
- Should you ever take a prescription medication that isn't yours even if you have the same symptoms?
- What is one place you NEVER want to see on the inside?
- Can energy drinks be harmful?
- Should you ever get in a car with someone who has been drinking? What should you do?
Thanks to our "cup-stackers". You did a great job under pressure.
A very special thank you to Carter's mom for helping supervise.

On Monday we start multiplication quizzes for bell work. We will start with the 2 times table. Learn your doubles!
Adding and subtracting money test on Friday. Please review the different strategies for adding and subtracting money. They are explained on the blog.
Grade 5 should already know their times table to 10 x 10. Please review how to multiply multi-digit numbers by a 1-digit number (grade 4 expectation).
- Reading test signed and goals recorded.
- Pledge form for Valentine Dance-A-Thon due on Monday. Our goal was $20 per student.
- List of names is posted on the blog if you'd like to give out Valentine cards on Thursday.
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