Today we talked about addition strategies and applied them to solve 2-step problems in grade 4 and a multi-step problem in grade 5. Please practice the different strategies. I know some of you prefer one strategy over another, but make sure you at least understand how to do the four different strategies discussed today.
1) Give and Take
If you take 2 cents away from $15.55 and give 2 cents to the $79.98 you get $80.00 which is an easier number to add. Your new question:
You can also give 2 cents and then take 2 cents away from you sum (answer).
2) Add in place value.
$79.98 + $15.55
80.00 (70.00 + 10.00)
14.00 (9.00 + 5.00)
1.40 (0.90 + 0.50)
0.13 (0.08 + 0.05)
95. 53
3) Good old fashion pencil and paper (regrouping)
1 1 1
Make sure you have found the cost of one ticket to an event, concert, play, sporting event etc. Be sure to include if it is American money.
Today we focused on the sacraments of initiation. What does the word initiation mean? When you are being initiated you become part of something. In the case of the sacraments, you become part of the Church, part of God's family, part of the Body of Christ.
We played a fun game of "Pictionary" to learn some of the sacramentals and rituals that are part of these three sacraments. What new vocabulary did you learn?
We began our new unit in Literacy. We will be studying HISTORICAL FICTION. The goals of the unit are making inferences while we listen and read and learning the characteristics of historical fiction. Historical fiction has the same characteristics of narratives, plus a few extra.
You should know the characteristics of a narrative by grade 4/5:

There are different parts of the plot: problem, climax, resolution.
The read aloud today was about the friendship between two girls in Canada during World War II. Share with a parent what happened in the story. What mistake did Mitzi make about Naomi and Stephen? How did the Union Jack help?
What were Japanese Internment Camps?
- Share a Book #25
- Assessment folder signed if you forgot last night (Money Test)
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