Friday 4 January 2019

What do we know about the denominator of a fraction?
What do we know about the numerator?

Image result for numerator and denominator

Denominator: the number below the bar in a fraction, which tells the number of equal parts in the whole or number of parts in a set.

Numerator: the number above the bar in a fraction, which tells the number of equal parts that the fractions describes.

We can get an idea of how big or small a fraction is by comparing the numerator to the denominator.

For example in the fraction 1/10, 1 is a small part of 10 so the fraction is a small amount. In the fraction 7/8, 7 is a large part of 8 so the fraction is a large amount.

A denominator that is double the numerator or a numerator that is half the denominator is EQUIVALENT to 1/2.

If the numerator and the denominator are equal, than the fraction is 1 whole.

Try these. Use reasoning to find possible answers.

Fraction game for review:

Linear Measurement

Next week we will start linear measurement. Take a look at the metric number line. Between each unit is a factor of 10. Units that are two apart have a factor of 100, three apart a factor of 1000.

One of the learning goals of the unit, it changing units of length. Get a head start and try these (this should be easy review for grade 5):

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