Today we began our unit on linear measurement. We will be working on measurement and decimals at the same time because measurement is an application of decimals!Take a moment and learn the metric number line. It's on the front cover of your booklet. Remember that between each unit on the metric number line is a factor of 10.
1 hop is 10
2 hops are 100
3 hops are 1000
When we move from a large unit to a smaller unit, the number gets larger so we multiply.
When we move from a small unit to a larger unit, the number gets smaller so we divide.
Take a minute to try to reason these statements. Use examples to help you understand.
km hm dam m dm cm mm
kilmetre hectometre decametre metre decimetre centimetre millimetre
1/2 m is 50 cm
1/4 m is 25 cm
3/4 m is 73 cm
If there are 100 cm in 1 m then 1 cm is one hundredth of a metre or 0.01 m
30 cm is 0.30 m
If there are 10 mm in 1 cm then 1 mm is one tenth of a centimetre or 0.1 cm
We don't really use hm or dam but it's important to understand they are there to know what factor to use to change or convert from one unit to another.
Don't do too much of your booklet if you're unsure, particularly grade four. We will be learning about all the topics in your booklet throughout the next few weeks.
Tomorrow we will talk about how the decimal moves when we change from one unit to another unit and we will use proportional reasoning to solve problems.
For example:
If Nathan measured the length of one step to be 25 cm, how many metres would he have traveled taking 15 steps?
How would you measure 478 mm using a 30 cm ruler?
What liturgical season are we in now?
On Sunday we celebrated the Feast of the Epiphany. What do you remember about the feast? What did the star represent? What is the message or big idea of the gospel reading today?Hint: Think of the star!
Here is the link to the beautiful video from today:
We looked at Canada's Food Guide today. Most of you are familiar with the guide and the information it gives you.
Here's an online version:
The focus in grade four is the nutrients in food.
There are two main types of nutrients: MACRO-NUTRIENTS and MICRO-NUTRIENTS.
Macro-nutrients include proteins, carbohydrates and fats (water)
Micro-nutrients include vitamins and minerals
Think about a micro or macro-nutrient that you would like to learn more about. The task in grade four will be designing a nutrient poster outlining the importance of a micro or macro-nutrient of your choice.
Both grades bring in FOOD LABELS. The more food labels we have the better! Look in the recycling box at home. The end task in grade five will be designing a product complete with a food label and packaging to entice consumers to buy your product.
These are both END tasks. We still have lots to talk about!

At the end of the day we will be working on drafting, revising, editing and publishing our writing pieces for this term. By the end of the week you should have your sound paragraph and alliteration story done in good for assessment. Use your time wisely. Next week we will be completing two more pieces.
- Indoor shoes and gym clothes for tomorrow!
So nice to see everyone again.....
I wonder who went skiing with his or her family and had to look for a lost brother? Hmmm...
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