Wednesday 21 November 2018

Media Literacy
We continued our discussion of media messages. Today we used APE format to write an answer to the question, "What is the message of the video 'True Colors'?" Each time you write proof to support your inference (message) you must explain it.

We think the message is everyone is different and you shouldn't be ashamed of who you are. We know this because in the lyrics it says "true colors are why people love you". This mean that your differences make you unique, appreciated and loved by others. People like you for what your personality is not by what others think of you. As well, someone in the video held up a sign that said, "Don't be discouraged". So we shouldn't be sad about who we are, but be proud. Everyone is a part of God's family, are God's work of art and are created equal.

Tomorrow we will repeat this activity using our second media text, the commercial "Words Hurt". We also viewed an inspirational video, "I Have Worth". Please write the message on the sticky note in your agenda. Remember, there can be many messages. Play attention to his words.

Excellent job using your sentence starters when communicating orally with your classmates! You sound very mature.

Please complete any corrections for practice questions on quadrilaterals (grade 4) and triangles (grade 5). Each grade was assigned a few review questions.Some students studied the correct spelling of the geometry words. EXCELLENT initiative. Add opposite to the list of words. It will serve you well tomorrow. Hint, hint.

Would you rather have a geometry test on Monday or Tuesday? Think about it.

We read a short text about sound today in our Literacy textbook. The reading strategies we practiced were monitoring comprehension and finding the main idea. One strategy to find the main idea of non-fiction informational texts is to find the most word. It is the word that is repeated the most. Great job playing sound charades today. Do you know the meaning of the following sound words?

sound wave
wave length

Tomorrow we will be having a special guest lead our Phys. Ed. class. She will be teaching us some target games. I can't wait!

Image result for target clipart

  • Library books
  • Gift for school giving tree
  • Dress warmly...... it's going to be cold for the next few days.
Image result for cold clipart

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