Thursday 22 November 2018

Media Literacy
Some fantastic messages inferred from the video "I Have Worth". We will continue organizing our answers tomorrow. Think about how to explain the proof you gathered from the video.

Phys. Ed.
Lots of fun this morning playing target games with Ms. Friedrich!

Think about a topic you would like to write about related to sound. Some possibilities include:

  • What causes sound?
  • How does sound travel?
  • What is the difference between high and low sounds?
  • How does frequency affect the pitch of a sound?
  • How do bat use echolocation?
  • What happens when sound hits a surface?
  • Can you hear a sound in space?

Practice sorting your quadrilaterals and triangles using the properties in your math bag. First sort them using one property only, then put two properties together. Identify the names of the triangles or quadrilaterals that fit with each property.

Spelling test on ten geometry words tomorrow. Previous posts for words.

Math calendar due tomorrow.


  • Walkers received a survey letter, bus students had already left. Please give this letter to a parent to read. It would be wonderful if all students could fill out a survey and have their voices heard. Explain to a parent what the survey letter is about. Here is the link that we watched at school:
  • Please bring appropriate gym clothes and footwear. It is your responsibility to keep your belongings organized and place them in you cubby. 

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