Sunday 25 November 2018

Image result for happy sunday winter
Fraction Friday
On Friday we used the relational rods to divide wholes into different unit fractions. The unit fraction we divided each rod into depended on the length of the rod (whole). Review for dividing rods into unit fractions:

The next step is using the wholes and the smaller rods to express fractions greater add less than 1. To be continued next week.....

Family Life
We met Mr. Talbot's classroom. The most important rule in his classroom is RESPECT. Respect for self, others, classroom and work. The key to being respectful is always following the "Golden Rule," treat others how you would like to be treated or in Jesus' words:

Image result for love one another as i have loved you

All Family Life sheets must be completed for FRIDAY. Next we will look at the stages of development.

In Art we looked at the property of SYMMETRY. Using a MIRA we constructed symmetrical shapes using pattern blocks. Any free time this week should be spent finishing art (e.g. indoor recess, completed math calendar etc.).

Wednesday is our second geometry test. Grade fours the focus is quadrilaterals and grade fives the focus is triangles. Please practice sorting quadrilaterals and triangles using your cards. 

Grade 4 Test:
  • Identify the properties of a square, rectangle, rhombus, parallelogram, trapezoid (including isosceles, right), kite
  • Sort quadrilaterals according to properties e.g. which are parallelograms and explain why
  • Sort quadrilaterals using a Venn Diagram or t-chart
  • Draw quadrilaterals and mark them correctly (e.g. parallel sides, equal sides, right angles)
  • Draw lines of symmetry in quadrilaterals
  • Name quadrilaterals different ways but know the most specific name e.g. a square is a rectangle but square is the most specific name

Grade 5 Test:
  • Construct triangles given 1 or 2 side lengths and 1 or 2 angle measures.
  • Construct isosceles and equilateral triangles (remember equilateral triangles have all angles 60 degrees and isosceles have 2 equal angles)
  • Classify triangles according to angle size (acute-angles, obtuse-angled or right-angled) and side lengths (scalene, isosceles, equilateral)
  • Measure side lengths and angles in triangles (sum of all the angles in a triangle is 180 degrees)
  • Find the unknown angles in triangles without measuring e.g. an isosceles triangle has two angles that are 50 degrees, what is the third angle?)
  • Combinations of triangle types that are possible and impossible e.g. can you have a right-angled equilateral triangle? obtuse-angled isosceles? Explain why they are possible or impossible.

Please complete Mathletics assignments. Ask a sibling or parent to help you if you are having difficulties getting into the program. If you cannot sign into the VLE (very bottom of the LDCSB home page) using your e-mail, you will not be able to access Mathletics. Solve that problem first. I think someone else may be logged into the VLE and must be logged out before you can access Mathletics. You can also ask a friend. Some students had difficulty at the beginning and are now able to login. It's probably something very small that is preventing you from accessing the Mathletics site.

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