Thursday 29 November 2018

We reviewed the grade four test and some of the grade five geometry test. Please make sure you set a next step. If you still have questions, please see me at lunch on Friday.

Grade 4 your test on Monday will be on quadrilaterals. Very similar to the first test, but not exactly the same.
Grade 5 your test will be on regular, irregular, convex and concave polygons. I will put a few questions on triangles, particularly classifying triangles.

Today we talked about how to find the angle measure of regular polygons. One way is to measure, the other is to look at the number of triangles the polygon is constructed from, multiply it by 180 degrees and divide the answer by the number of angles (sides).

For example a regular octagon is made from six triangles.

180 degrees x 6 = 1080 degrees
1080 degrees divided by 8 (number of equal angles in a regular octagon) = 135 degrees

Find the angle measures using this strategy, but also measure your regular polygons. You should get the same answer. The heptagon you must round to the nearest degree.

Concave polygons have "caves" or "dents". At least one diagonal is outside the shape and one angle is over 180 degrees (reflex angle). Convex polygons have vertices pointing outward.
Can you draw a concave kite? Convex kite?

Math calendar is due tomorrow!

Phys. Ed.
The dances look marvelous. Our buddies can't wait to see them on MONDAY morning.

We summarized what we learned the past few lessons about the Bible by answering a few questions. You coat of arms on the four evangelists, is due on Monday.

Don't forget to complete your Family Life sheets for tomorrow. We will have Family Life in the afternoon.

Please practice reading your part for the school mass. Remember read slowly, loudly and clearly.

During our Literacy mini-lesson we talked about STRONG verbs. Strong verbs help the reader visualize the action you are describing. Remember to bring in your Robert Munsch books next week for our next short writing assignment.

Alliteration story maps should be completed by the end of tomorrow.


  • Off-uniform tomorrow
  • Gifts for St. Nicholas Giving Tree (only one more week left)

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