Sunday 2 December 2018

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What a wonderful Friday morning we had listening to the songs of Broadway throughout the years. One of my all-time favourite Broadway play is "Jesus Christ Superstar", but I love the music in all of Andrew Lloyd Webber's plays. What was your favourite?

Monday the grade fours will have a re-test on quadrilaterals and grade fives will have a test on polygons with a few questions triangles. Make sure you know how to mark your polygons (equal sides, parallel sides, right angles) correctly (both grades). Grade four your math test will be similar to the one you already wrote. 

Grade fives (new material):
  • Identify irregular and regular polygons
  • Identify convex and concave polygons
  • Construct (draw) irregular and regular polygons
  • Construct (draw) concave and convex polygons
  • Find the angle measures of regular polygons (measuring and calculating using the triangle method)
  • Explain why a polygon is regular, irregular, concave or convex)

Finish any outstanding Mathletics assignments.

Here is some fraction review. Remember the denominator of the fraction is the amount the whole is divided into. The numerator is the number of unit fractions you have.

If you're still having difficulty, listen to this song:

We will presenting our dances just before morning recess on Monday to our Kindergarten Buddies. Wear your dancing shoes!

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Family Life
We began our discussion of the different ways we grow. We talked about physical and emotional development. Next we will talk about social and spiritual development.

What do you think these words mean:

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For parents who are interested, we are on Theme 1, Topic 4, A Journey. Here is a summary of the learning goals:

This week you will be given your final assignment for Sound Energy. You will have a week to gather your materials. Stay tune....

On Wednesday we will be leading the mass at St. George Church @ 9:30 am. As always, parents are welcome. Please practice with a parent reading your part OUT LOUD,  speaking slowing, clearly and loudly.

  • We still have one more week to bring in gifts for our annual Giving Tree. 
  • There is one Christmas tree in the front of school for the junior division to decorate. If you have an ornament that you have made, feel free to bring it in to decorate our tree. We will also have a tree in our classroom. You may bring anything you like from home to decorate our classroom tree. DO NOT buy anything. 

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