Wednesday 28 November 2018

Make sure you are completing your Mathletics assignments. There were also links for coordinate games on MathUP posted yesterday.

Today we talked about the four evangelists, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Each evangelist wrote his gospel from a unique perspective. As a Jew, Matthew wrote his gospel with references to the Old Testament to prove to the Jewish people that Jesus was the Messiah. Mark was not an apostle of Jesus and never met Jesus. He wrote his gospel listening to the teachings of Peter in Rome. He wrote his gospel with the suffering of the persecuted Christians in mind. Luke was a Gentile (non-Jew). He wrote about the many teachings of Jesus (parables) and how a Christian should lead his or her life. He wrote for those people who followed other religions. Finally, John, the beloved apostle wrote a lot about Jesus as the Son of God. He wrote about miracles and events that happened during Jesus' life that proved He was the Son of God. John was present at all the important events in Jesus' life. Jesus entrusted the care of His mother to John.

Each evangelist has a symbol. Can you match the symbol with the evangelist? Can you guess why each symbol represents a specific evangelist?

  • a divine man (I thought it was an angel but it's not!)
  • a winged lion
  • a winged ox
  • a rising eagle.
Image result for symbols of the evangelists

What other symbols might represent each evangelist? Think about it for your coat of arms.....

  • Survey for transportation study. You must have permission from your parents to complete the survey at school.
  • We want to finish all assignments this week as it is the end of November. Most students are slowly catching up!
Thank you for behaving responsibly today. Being inside today made it a long day....

Image result for thank you clipart

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