We are making revisions to our paragraphs about London. Some students have begun typing their writing in Google Docs. Other students are not using their class time wisely and have not completed their drafts. We will have one more double period to complete this task. Then you must complete it on your own time. This cannot be taken home because it is being assessed.
Today we practiced how to construct a variety of acute angles and construct polygons with different sizes of acute angles. Most students are doing very well. This is definitely a skill where the more you practice the better you will be.
Extra practice reading a protractor:
Grade 5 make sure you are able to classify the angles (acute, right, obtuse)
Grade 4 make sure you are able to compare them to your three benchmark angles (half-right, right, straight). For example #7 would be greater than a right angle but less than a straight angle.
The most challenging skill for grade 5 is measuring interior angles of polygons. Draw any polygon at home and use a protractor to measure the angles.
More practice measuring angles online:
Finish all action tasks and your turn questions for lessons 1 & 2. You had plenty of time to get much of this done at school. If you're going home with too much homework, you did not manage your class time effectively.
Today and Science we talked about how sound travels through different materials. Does sound travel faster in a solid, liquid or gas? Why? When was the sound the loudest? Can you hear sound on the moon? Why or why not? What do you need in order for a sound to be heard?

The more tightly packed the particles (molecules) the ___________ sound travels. The word for today was TRANSMIT. Solids, liquids and gases transmit sound waves. That means they can pass through. Ask someone at home, which material do you think sound travels faster through, air, water or steel?
Social Studies
Study for the test (Wednesday) using the outline posted on the blog, your duotang and your textbook. Issues that were shared by students: affordable housing, development in Riverbend (across the street), BRT (a little more challenging), speed limit around the school. Choose an issue that is meaningful to you and you understand. Make sure you can write a factual, opinion and critical question about the issue and know the answer to two of those questions. Madame has a French test on Thursday so we could not move the test. Go through past posts explaining first past the post vs ranked voting.
- Please make sure you are wearing INDOOR shoes in the classroom. The floor was very messy after school. Thank you!
- Remembrance Day service on Friday at the school.
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