We are going to use our angle skills for our next topics in geometry. Grade four will be studying quadrilaterals and grade five will be looking at triangles. We will have a short quiz on angles on Friday.
Grade 4:
Describing angles using benchmark angles (right, half-right, straight)
Constructing angles using benchmarks angles (e.g. draw an angle that is a little larger than a right angle)
Constructing benchmark angles
Angle measurements of benchmark angles
Grade 5
Measuring and constructing angles inside polygons up to 180 degrees using a protractor
Identifying and classifying angles as acute, right or obtuse
We are going to find out that a square really isn't that boring....

Physical Education
We are just getting into the rhythm of our short unit on Dance. If you have favourite dance songs, bring them in for Thursday.
Today we reviewed the theory behind our investigation from Monday. Sound travels through different states of matter at different speeds. Why? Hint: it has to do with the arrangement of the particles.
Why was sound louder in a solid? Again, think of the arrangement of particles and how sound is TRAVELS.
There are three things that a sound can do when it hits matter:
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