Tuesday 23 October 2018

Social Studies
The votes have been tabulated...... we have a new mayor for the City of London.....
Ed Holder!

Check out some of the other winners at the City of London website:


How many rounds did it take to arrive at a winner for mayor? WOW!

Our last topic in local government is about COMMUNICATION. What are some different ways that local governments communicate with their citizens? Again, check out the City of London website. Test next week focusing on the election and communication.

Just an aside.... the first referendum in Quebec was fairly close:

The referendum was called by Quebec's Parti Québécois (PQ) government, which advocated secession from Canada. The province-wide referendum took place on Tuesday, May 20, 1980, and the proposal to pursue secession was defeated by a 59.56 percent to 40.44 percent margin.

The second one was even closer than we thought:

93.52% of the 5,087,009 registered Quebecers voted in the referendum, a higher turnout than any provincial or federal election in Canada's history. The proposal of June 12, 1995 was rejected by voters, with 50.58% voting "No" and 49.42% voting "Yes". The margin was significantly smaller than the 1980 referendum.


We have had plenty of practice for the Patterns test on Thursday. 

Grade 4:
Lesson 1: Repeating Patterns (1 question)
Lesson 2: Growing Number and Shape Patterns (1 question)
Lesson 3 Shrinking Number and Shape Patterns
Lesson 4: Applying Pattern Rules
Lesson 5: Identifying Pattern Rules

Nelson Math:
Repeating Shape Patterns (attributes)

You will have to extend, create, predict and write pattern rules. When you predict you must use proportional reasoning. You must be able to solve problems using t-tables.

Grade 4 Sample problems:

Create two different growing patterns:
4, 8,
Write the pattern rule for each

Create a growing pattern that includes the numbers 14 and 39.
How did you create your pattern?
What is your pattern rule?

Create a shrinking pattern that includes the numbers 60 and 22.
How did you create your pattern?
What is your pattern rule?

What is the 72 term of the repeating pattern? How do you know?

Predict the 25th term of the pattern WITHOUT extending the t-chart to the 25th term.
Describe how each attribute changes. Write a letter model for the shape pattern.

Of course you can use calculators for your test.

Grade 5:
Lesson 1 Shape Patterns
Lesson 2 Using Tables of Values to Describe Patterns
Lesson 3 Creating and Using Pattern Rules

    Create a table of values to show five terms of each pattern:

Start at 6 and multiply by 3

Start at 410 and subtract 20

What might the 20th term of this growing pattern be? Why?
5, 10, …

     How could you extend the pattern using a different pattern rule? Describe your new rule.

a)  Create a growing pattern that includes the numbers 44 and 80.

 b)  Create a shrinking pattern that includes the number 88 as the 5th term.

(Use a t-chart)

Any number of questions involving these shape patterns e.g. what is the 20th shape?:

Make sure your organizers are complete and you have lots of information to include in your expository paragraphs on London.

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