Wednesday 26 June 2019


  • Wednesday is our annual WAR card tournament and movie and popcorn day. If is off-uniform so you can wear your pajamas if you want.
  • Thursday is our annual Mini-Sticks hockey tournament. Bring your mini-sticks if you signed up to participate. If you'd rather not play, there will be dancing, colouring and game playing as well.
  • The last week is a time to have fun and spend time with your "amazing" friends.

Enjoy the last few days!
Image result for two days left of school

Sunday 23 June 2019

Image result for happy sunshine
What a glorious first weekend of summer!

Make sure you get your assessment folder signed.

We will play a few more probability games on Monday.
There are some probability assignments on Mathletics..... Keep your brain working.... Combat summer learning loss....

Activities for the last week of school:

  • Monday- bring a board game / card game to play in the afternoon
  • Tuesday - bridge building challenge.... bring a glue gun if you are allowed
  • Wednesday - popcorn and movie afternoon
  • Thursday - Mini-stick hockey tournament / Just Dance / Summer Colouring Day
  • Make sure you have running shoes at school each day.... no gym clothes needed
Image result for four days left of school

Wednesday 19 June 2019

Today the grade fours practiced using repeated subtraction to divide larger numbers. The video we watched called it the "Big 7" method because of the extended shape of the division sign.

In grade five we reviewed the standard algorithm for long division. The same four steps are repeated until their is a remainder smaller than the divisor.

Image result for long division standard algorithm

Image result for long division standard algorithm dad mom
Most of you are putting the finishing touches on your book jacket..... they look terrific. Lots of effort was put into this assignment.... BRAVO!

Try to finish your slide show for your Kindergarten buddy. We would like to share them tomorrow afternoon!

  • Bridge challenge sent home today. Think about how you might construct the bridge. Here is the link to the video we watched today...

  • Bring a shopping bag to start taking home notebooks and things in your desk.
  • Last gym class tomorrow!

Halum, Abby and Dante please return green shirts.

Monday 17 June 2019

Looks like a beautiful day for the soccer tournament tomorrow. A list of things to bring is in your agenda and in the weekend post.

Image result for soccer clipart
Jacob you are on Chile and you team colour is RED.

Today we began long division. The first strategy we learned is repeated subtraction. Knowing your multiplication fact and multiples is critical in long division. Here is video showing this method:

Try these using this method:

Most students have finished Social Studies assignments..... just the book jacket left..... woohoo!

Today we began working with our group to present the long and short term effects of smoking and alcohol in the form of a talk show. The effects were posted on the weekend. Please make sure you know and understanding the effects. You cannot take the paper up when you present. Remember to be creative. If you are an expert, have a title e.g. Doctor or Professor. If you are guest that suffers from these effects SHOW  these effects when you perform...e.g. cough, be short of breath.

Family Life
Our first lesson in theme three was a introduction on what it means to be male and female. On Wednesday we will be getting into how life begins in grade four and the differences between the reproductive organs in grade five. If you have questions, don't be afraid to ask! All questions are good questions. It's important that you have the correct facts.

Saturday 15 June 2019

Image result for happy weekend

Soccer Tournament
The weather looks perfect for our 5th Annual Polyfilla Soccer Tournament on Tuesday. Just a few reminders from the assembly on Friday...

  • No cleats, just running shoes
  • Wear your team colour
  • Bring lots of water, snacks
  • A hot dog lunch will be provided courtesy of Mr. Cocurullo
  • Wear shin pads if you have them (they are not required)
  • Hat, sunscreen, umbrella.... especially if it is sunny
  • Something to sit on.... blanket or towel
  • Something to pass the time between games

This week will be working on our last Drama/Health assignment of the year. A talk-show. During this talk show, the host or panel of guests, must convey the short and long term effects of alcohol (grade 5) or smoking (grade 4). The grade fives must also know the factors that effect intoxication.

Some background information already discussed in class....

Image result for short term effects smoking
Image result for long term effects smoking

Factors that effect alcohol consumption:
Image result for short term effects alcohol

Image result for happy father's day

Thursday 13 June 2019

This week has been a BUSY week. Thank you to all students who have been working so hard to finish all of their work for the year. We're almost there!

I hope you learned a bit more about construction safety today.

Fractions test tomorrow..... I will try to make it short... we have another busy day tomorrow. Check out yesterday's post for the test expectations.

Practice placing fractions on a number line. I think for some of you that is a bit tricky.

Grade fives we talked about fractions of a number today when we were taking up your booklet. To find the fraction of a number e.g. 2/5 of 25 you multiply the numerator by the whole number then divide by the denominator.

2 x 25 = 50
50 divided by 5 = 10

So 2/5 of 25 is 10

You can also draw a picture of 25 dots and divide them into groups of 5. Two groups of 5 would be 10.

Image result for fractions of a number
There are 27 diamonds divided into 3 groups (denominator tells you number of groups). 1/3 of the set is 9 so 2/3 of the set is 18.

If you have some time tonight, find out a bit of information on Deborah Ellis.

Family Life
Here is link for your parents about what we will be learning in Family Life next week.
Grade 4:

Grade 5:

Image result for let's go raptors

Wednesday 12 June 2019

No fractions test tomorrow. Some of you are still a bit unsure of fractions greater than one. We'll aim for Friday.
Things to remember....
The DENOMINATOR always tells you how many parts the whole is divided into or the whole numbers on a number line are divided into.

An IMPROPER FRACTION is a fraction where the numerator is EQUAL TO or GREATER than the denominator.


The best ways to show improper fractions / mixed numbers are using a NUMBER LINE or an AREA MODEL. You can do part of set, but if you're having difficulty, stick to those two representations.

Extra Practice (both grades):

Name a mixed number between 2 and 3. Well, the number of wholes would have to be 2 and then pick any proper fractions you want! Some possibilities....

2 1/3          2 3/8       

Name an improper fraction between 3 and 4. Pick a mixed number first, then change it to an improper fraction. That's the easiest way.
But you can reason the improper fraction. Choose a denominator. It can be ANY number. I'll choose five (fifths). I know that 3 wholes is 15/5 then add 1, 2, 3, or 4, more fifths (to the numerator). Some possibilities.... 16/5, 17/5, 18/5 or 19/5.

The reason some of you are having difficulty is that you still do not understand fully the meaning of the numerator and denominator.

Video to help...

Social Studies
Today we welcomed Amanda to our class who is a member of the Oneida Nation which is part of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy (also known as the Iroquois). She is part of the bear clan. I learned so much about the organization of First Nations. I loved how she emphasized the importance of the 7 Grandfather Teachings and how they are so similar to our own faith. Share with a parent your "spirit animal". I am a raven!

Image result for raven spirit animal

Most grade fives have finished their brochures and research questions. Only 4 students remaining.
A few grade fours have finished their books.
If you complete your slide show on friendship, then you can work on your book. You must use your own time to finish your book / brochure.
If you'd like to stay after school on Thursday or Friday for an hour to finish up in a very quiet environment, you are most welcome!

A few more groups have to present their skits. Then we have to finish our "Talk Shows". For the talk show you must know the short and long term effects of smoking or alcohol. Drama is a great way to convey important information. Although entertaining the audience is important, first and foremost you must INFORM the audience.

I think we have two presentations tomorrow! Public library and construction safety.

  • Phys. Ed tomorrow
  • LIBRARY BOOKS returned
  • Fraction homework
  • Toronto Raptor Day.... wear red, black and/or white.
What an adventure we had at the ROM yesterday! Everyone was VERY WELL BEHAVED. I hoped you enjoyed the museum and learned more about Early Societies and First Nations People. A HUGE thank you to our parent volunteers..... 

Mr. Jones, Mrs. VanDorst, Mrs. Jean, Mr. Masters, Mrs. Marino, Mr. Cifelli, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Onunkwo and Mr. Duran. 

We couldn't have gone without you!

Image result for thank you