Wednesday 19 June 2019

Today the grade fours practiced using repeated subtraction to divide larger numbers. The video we watched called it the "Big 7" method because of the extended shape of the division sign.

In grade five we reviewed the standard algorithm for long division. The same four steps are repeated until their is a remainder smaller than the divisor.

Image result for long division standard algorithm

Image result for long division standard algorithm dad mom
Most of you are putting the finishing touches on your book jacket..... they look terrific. Lots of effort was put into this assignment.... BRAVO!

Try to finish your slide show for your Kindergarten buddy. We would like to share them tomorrow afternoon!

  • Bridge challenge sent home today. Think about how you might construct the bridge. Here is the link to the video we watched today...

  • Bring a shopping bag to start taking home notebooks and things in your desk.
  • Last gym class tomorrow!

Halum, Abby and Dante please return green shirts.

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