Saturday 15 June 2019

Image result for happy weekend

Soccer Tournament
The weather looks perfect for our 5th Annual Polyfilla Soccer Tournament on Tuesday. Just a few reminders from the assembly on Friday...

  • No cleats, just running shoes
  • Wear your team colour
  • Bring lots of water, snacks
  • A hot dog lunch will be provided courtesy of Mr. Cocurullo
  • Wear shin pads if you have them (they are not required)
  • Hat, sunscreen, umbrella.... especially if it is sunny
  • Something to sit on.... blanket or towel
  • Something to pass the time between games

This week will be working on our last Drama/Health assignment of the year. A talk-show. During this talk show, the host or panel of guests, must convey the short and long term effects of alcohol (grade 5) or smoking (grade 4). The grade fives must also know the factors that effect intoxication.

Some background information already discussed in class....

Image result for short term effects smoking
Image result for long term effects smoking

Factors that effect alcohol consumption:
Image result for short term effects alcohol

Image result for happy father's day

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