Wednesday 3 April 2019

Focus on studying for your test on time. Review using the weekend post, work in your blue notebook and your time booklet.  We will continue with multiplication and division next week.

Today we began our discussion of the circulatory system. The circulatory system works with every other system in your body. How are the respiratory system and the circulatory system connected?

Vocabulary for today:
right atrium
left atrium
right ventricle
left ventricle
pulmonary artery
pulmonary vein
carbon dioxide

Related image

Tomorrow we will continue to discuss the path of the blood from the lungs to the heart, through the heart, to the body, back to the heart, through the heart and finally back to the lungs. Follow the arrows through the diagram above. The names of the valves are not important, but understanding why you have them is important. Why are there valves in your heart?

Here is the video from today:

The first part of this video is very good. The other half is a bit more complicated but interesting!

What are the three main parts of your circulatory system?
What is the purpose of your circulatory system?

Everyone should have their small moment done. If not, please stay in to finish. I can't wait to read about your emotional experiences.

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