Wednesday 20 March 2019

Today we reviewed three different ways to find elapsed time. Make sure you understand all three ways.

Time Line
Just like adding up to find change, we count up the hours and minutes between the start and end time to find the elapsed time.

The start time goes on the left, the end time on the right.
Hop to the nearest 10 minutes, nearest hour, end time hour then finally to the end time.

Elapsed time is 3 hours + 20 minutes + 15 minutes + 3 minutes = 3 hours 38 minutes

Counting Up

8:04 to 1:04 is 5 hours
1:04 to 1:20 is 16 minutes

Elapsed time is 5 hours 16 minutes.

Using Nearby Times (then adding or subtracting)

4:20 to 7:20 is 3 hours
But you have to subtract 11 minutes because 20 minutes - 9 minutes = 11 extra minutes

Elapsed time is 2 hours 49 minutes.

The strategy you use depends on the start and end time. A time line ALWAYS works. It takes a bit longer, but it's pretty full-proof. Counting up is also fairly accurate. Using nearby times is the strategy that is easiest to make mistakes, but it really makes you think!

Here are some examples to practice:

Tomorrow we will apply our skills.

We talked about the different ways we can pray during Lent. When you complete your Lenten calendar, try different ways. 

Don't forget to complete your prayer quilt patch and bring a picture showing the meaning from the scripture quote from yesterday.


We completed our study of the Digestive System. The test will be next Wednesday. There are 2 handouts in your duotang to study and four pages in the textbook.

  • Label the parts of the digestive system on a diagram
  • Communicate the jobs of the different parts of the digestive system
  • What diseases can affect the parts?
  • How can we keep our digestive system healthy?
  • Know the route of food through the system. Follow a cracker all the way through the system.
We reviewed "The Lost Spike". Please look at the questions posted yesterday. You will be answering one of the questions with a partner tomorrow.

You will also begin writing a SHORT personal story. It can be sad, happy, scary or funny.

  • Gym tomorrow
  • Keep practicing your times tables.
  • Still looking for work folders and assessment folders.

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