Monday 18 March 2019

Today we reviewed how to tell time to the nearest minute. I was pleased at how everyone could tell time to the nearest minute on an analogue clock. If you think you need a bit more practice, here are some questions below:

The next few lessons focus on ELAPSED TIME. Today we began an action task that involved estimating elapsed time. The strategy involved rounding start and end times to the nearest quarter of an hour.

Here is the chart:

So if your start time was 11:38 and your end time was 3:53. You would round 11:38 to 11:45 and 3:53 to 4:00. 
11:45 to 4:00 is 4 hours and 15 minutes

Remember to get your Area test signed and set goals.

We reviewed the PILLARS of Lent today.

Image result for pillars of lent

Just like pillars strengthen and support a building, prayer, fasting and almsgiving strengthens our relationship with God and draws us closer toward Him or away from sin.

Keep up your Lenten calendar. 

Bring an illustration that reflects the following verse from the Gospel of Matthew for Wednesday. It can be from a magazine, Internet, newspaper or hand drawn. 

…for I was hungry, and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me… 
-Matthew 25:35

Today we talked about the small intestine, its structure and function. Why does the inside of the small intestine have VILLI? Here's the clip from today. If you look at how the word is spelled, you might think that the first i in the word vitamin does have a short sound...

Here is the investigation for tomorrow. Please think about how you are going to conduct it. You must write a procedure with your group.

Review of digestive system.

Students who volunteered to find out information about appendicitis, pancreatitis, hepatitis and gall stones, don't forget to research. Everyone is welcome to find out information if you're interested!


  • Clean indoor shoes (very muddy outside)
  • Gym clothes for tomorrow.
  • If you have unfinished assignments, please make a plan on how you will complete them. Play rehearsals are often at lunch.....
  • It's important to try to stay focused during lessons. How much you learn at school is really up to you!
I've read some of your sticky notes. Some amazing adventures over the March Break. It's great to be back at school. We're on the homestretch!

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