Thursday 7 March 2019

A few hockey players did not complete their tests. They will finish tomorrow.

Today we began setting our Lenten goals on our calendars.The three areas of focus are:

  • Prayer
  • Good deeds / helping
  • Sacrifice

We want to make sure our goals are small, achievable and help us grow closer to God. Sacrifice means giving up something. It could be food, but not necessarily. It could be 15 minutes of screen time or skipping dessert. When we do these little things, we remember the great sacrifice that Jesus made for us by dying on the cross.

We will wrap up our discussion of digestion in the mouth and stomach. Although the esophagus isn't directly involved in the digestion of food, it does push the food from the mouth to the stomach.

Great site for more information:

Old tests and assignments were sent home today. Please get your folder signed and return it to school. If you did not set goals, please do so this evening.

Tomorrow is the big day.....
In the afternoon you will be presenting your news reports to the class. Learn your lines. Bring any costumes or props.

For the rest of the afternoon we will be watching our PSAs.

Green and White day tomorrow in honour of St. Patrick's Day!

Image result for leprechaun animated

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