Wednesday 6 March 2019

Area and perimeter test tomorrow. Go through questions from the textbook. red duotang and your booklet to review. Lots of extra practice on the blog. Don't forget your Mathletics practice.

More practice:

Remember the difference between area and perimeter.

We've been so busy that we haven't had time for times table practice. You will be given some practice sheets. If you have a multiplication bag at home and are finished using it, please return it so someone else can use it.

Today we looked at the first step in digestion that happens in the MOUTH. What are the parts of the mouth that help break down the food we eat? What happened to the cracker after sitting in your mouth for three minutes? Tomorrow we will discuss our observations. Remember the purpose of the digestive system is to break down food into tiny pieces so that nutrients from the food can be absorbed by the body. The digestive system can break down food MECHANICALLY such as chewing or CHEMICALLY such as the enzymes in saliva breaking down starch.

Image result for ash wednesday
Today marks the beginning of the Lenten season. What are the three things we are called to do during this season?

  • Pray
  • Alms Giving (good deeds)
  • Fasting (sacrificing)

Tomorrow we will set some Lenten goals.

Here is an overview of Lent:

Most students are finished their Picasso art. Think of a name for your masterpiece.....

News report presentations will be on Friday.

Image result for news reporter kid

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