Monday 25 February 2019

Today we related perimeter of a rectangle to the area of rectangle.
Rectangles that are close to squares have areas and perimeters that are very similar.
Rectangles that are long and thin have larger perimeters than areas.
Rectangles that are large have larger areas than perimeters because when we multiply numbers the numbers are larger.

The perimeter of a rectangle is (length + width) x 2
The area of a rectangle is length x width

For short we write:

P = (l + w) x 2
A = l x w

These are called formulas. We use these formulas to solve problems. For example, if you wanted to plant a rectangular garden with a perimeter of 24 m, what rectangle will give the largest area?

We use the formula for perimeter to find the different lengths and widths. We first divide 24 in half to get 12 m. What are are the combination of lengths and widths that add to 12 m?

Sometimes it's easier to set up a chart.

Area (l x w)
11 m
1 m
11 m x 1 m = 11 m2
10 m
2 m
10 m x 2 m = 20 m2
9 m
3 m
9 m x 3 m = 27 m2
8 m
4 m
8 m x 4 m = 32 m2
7 m
5 m
7 m x 5 m = 35 m2
6 m
6 m
6 m x 6 m = 36 m2

You can see that the square garden gives the largest area.

We can also find gardens with the same area but different perimeters. For example if you wanted to plant a rectangular garden that is 12 square metres, but use the least amount of fencing to keep out those pesky rabbits. What size of rectangle would you use?

To find the length and width of the garden you have to think about the different numbers that multiply to give you 12.
4 m and 3 m
6 m and 2 m
12 m and 1 m

Again a chart is a great way to organize your possibilities.

Perimeter = (l + w) x 2
4 m
3 m
(4 m + 3 m) x 2 = 14 m
6 m
2 m
(6 m + 2 m) x 2 = 16 m
12 m
1 m
(12 m + 1 m) x 2 = 26 m

The 4 m by 3 m rectangle gives you the smallest perimeter or is this case, the least amount of fencing.

Try these for practice:

Find rectangles with an area of 24 cm2
What are their perimeters?

Find rectangles with a perimeter of 10 m
What are their areas?

Today we began looking at the microscope. We talked about the different parts and some proper handling practices. Unfortunately one of the microscopes had a cracked lens on the stage. If you do not change to the lowest objective before removing a slide or use the coarse adjustment knob on a high magnification, it will crack the lens.

We talked about the writing trait of voice today. The voice of your writing is how it sounds. We have to know the audience and purpose of our writing to use the correct voice. Changing the point of view of writing can also change the voice. 
Revise your writing about the Stonehook Schooner to make is "sound" like a news report. Use the language that reporters use just like the writer today used language used during the gold rush.

Image result for voice writing trait

Be prepared to write a good copy tomorrow.

  • Crazy hair and hat day tomorrow
  • Hockey jersey day on Wednesday
  • Dress up as a voyageur on Thursday
  • Dress warmly for tubing on Friday!
  • Study your times tables.... we didn't write the 8, 9 times table today... oops!

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