Saturday 23 February 2019

Image result for happy saturday dog

Fraction Friday
We talked about EQUIVALENT fractions. Equivalent fractions are equal fractions, fractions that show exactly the same amount. Our first task was adding ingredients to a chocolate chip cookie recipe using only a measuring cup that held 1/4 cup. This was pretty easy using unit fractions.

For example, 1/2 cup is two 1/4 which is 2/4 so 1/2 = 2/4
1 1/2 cup is four 1/4 + two 1/4 = 6/4. So 6/4 = 3/2

You can show equivalent fractions by drawing two identical rectangles.

From the rectangles above you can see that 6/8 = 3/4

You can also draw a number line.

Finally you can tell if fractions are equivalent if they have a multiplication or division relationship.

3 x 2 = 6
4 x 2 = 8

You could also use money to compare fractions if the denominator was a factor of 100 (100 cents in one dollar)

For example, is 16 / 20 equal to 4/5?

1/20 of a dollar is 5 cents
1/5 of a dollar is 20 cents

16/20 of  dollar would be 16 nickels which is 16 x 5 = 80 cents
4/5 of  dollar would be 20 cents x 4 = 80 cents


Family Life
We concluded the first unit in Family Life with a discussion on how we are connected to people around us. Many people who are connected to us directly or indirectly through our parents have influenced us. Please make sure you complete your Family Life sheets. One is about people who have influenced you. Chat with a parent(s) about people who have influenced them. The flip side of the sheet is a recap of the unit. Use the textbook to write your answers. 

Image result for connected to people

Note to parents: Feel free to flip through the Fully Alive book to take a look at the themes we will be discussing this year. The grade fours will NOT complete Unit 3 with the grade fives. They will be studying the topics in the grade four Fully Alive. Unit 3 is still a few months away......

Picasso art is coming along..... everyone is working very hard on their masterpieces!

Image result for picasso art students

Most students have completed their PSA. Please make sure you bring any props or costumes you need to complete this assignment.

  • Return report card envelopes
  • Several students have not remitted permission forms for tubing on Friday.
Thank you to all parents who came to discuss their child's progress. Your support and commitment to your children is very much appreciated. If you have any questions or concerns my door is always open.

Image result for thank you parents

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