Sunday 17 February 2019

Image result for happy family day

Happy Family Day weekend!

Please practice your times table. Use a multiplication matrix is you're unsure of some of your multiplication facts. DO NOT USE REPEATED ADDITION. It is too slow.

Related image

Lots of printables:

Multiplication games:

Complete Mathletics assignments.

Note about the adding and subtracting money test:

Make sure you understand the relationship between the total cost of purchases, the change and the amount given.

Change = Amount Given - Total Cost
Total Cost = Amount Given - Change
Amount Given = Total Cost + Change

Let's use an example:

If you bought this Lego set for $89.79, you paid with $100 00 you will receive $10.21 change

$10.21 = $100.00 - $89.79
change = amount given - total cost

$100.00 = $89.79 + $10.21
amount given = total cost + change

$89.79 = $100.00 - $10.21
total cost = amount given - change

As long as you know two of these "variables" (total cost, change or amount given), you can find the third.

Some students still do not fully understand subtraction across zeros using regrouping. Here's a video to help.

I can't wait to see the Picasso art when it is completed. Your portraits look amazing! Here is a great story book about Picasso and Matisse.

Image result for picasso

If you haven't presented your mime, don't forget to practice!

Definition of mime - the drama technique that shows an action, character, or emotion without words, using only exaggerated gesture, expression, and movement,


  • Book Fair this week. Our buying day is Tuesday afternoon.
  • Report card envelope signed. Don't forget to write your next steps on page 4 and return signed portion. Remember to be specific with your goals.

Image result for goal setting students

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