Monday 28 January 2019

Today we began our discussion involving money. A very practical topic. We don't see money as much anymore because we pay for most things by swiping or tapping.

Some basic things you should know.... (review of weekend post)
The names and values of the coins:
Fifty cent (more commemorative)
Penny (out of circulation, but still valid)

The bills in Canada:
Five dollar
Ten dollar
Twenty dollar
Fifty dollar
One hundred dollar

Image result for canadian coins
Today we practiced estimating totals, counting total amounts mentally, counting total amounts by adding and making values using least amount and different amounts of bills and coins.

Make sure you draw the bills and coins when showing different ways to make a certain amount. 
When you are counting mentally, start from the largest to the smallest values.
When you are estimating, count the dollar amounts and then maybe add a dollar of two if there is a lot of loose change.

Practice making the different money amounts with the play money. Practice counting money amounts. You can't play the game yet because I need to buy a few more dice.

Wonderful job writing your personal prayers. Don't forget to make prayers part of your daily life. Find a quiet place and just start talking to God. You can also say prayers we say at school. There is no right or wrong way to pray.

Finish your health booklet. Use the nutrient fact sheets on the first two pages to help you answer the questions on the last two pages!

Good review video explaining the role of different nutrients:

New reading book sent home tonight. Reading groups on Thursday. Test to follow:
10 multiple choice questions
3 short answer
1 main idea (using most important words)
1 open response (APE)

  • Dance-A-Thon pledge forms sent home today. Ask a parent before asking someone to sponsor you.
  • Perimeter test corrected, signed and assessment folder completed. Take a look at your mistakes. Try the questions again.

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