Thursday 1 November 2018

Grade fours used spatial reasoning today by relating different angles to our three benchmark angles. Please complete your action task. Make sure you fit angles A, B and C into each of the benchmark angles: half a right, right and straight angles.

The open questions (# 2 and # 3) were a little more difficult. Can angles A, B and C be used as measuring angles? If you use angles as units, then yes you can. For example a straight angle is 4 angle As, a right angle is 2 angle As and a half-right angle is equal to angle A. Is it useful? Well, yes and no. It doesn't tell you the exact measure of an angle, but it tells you how much one angle is in relation to a benchmark.

Which angle is a better angle to measure angles? Angle C would be good because  it is the smallest. You couldn't use angles A and B to measure angles that are smaller than those angles. However, it's easier to make mistakes because a lot of Angle Cs fit in the angles because it is smaller.

Grade fives practiced constructing polygons with given acute angle measures. It doesn't matter how you close your polygon, as long as you included the acute angles given in the question.

Extra Practice:

Mathletics assignments on angles have been assigned

Both grade can play these on-line games.

We discussed the answers to the Patterns test with both grades. Please complete your corrections on the lined piece of paper. If you are having difficulties, I am available at lunch recess for extra help. Sometimes 15 or 20 minutes of coaching does the trick!

Make sure you complete a next step on your tracking sheet in your assessment folder.

Today we sat with our reading groups to practice our oral reading and identify features of informational texts. Most students finished the assessment. Remember, you are welcome to use anchor charts to complete the test.

Time seems to fly during the day and we don't get enough time to write and just as importantly talk about our writing. Our buddies want to spend time with us tomorrow, so of course we can't say no! We also have to wrap up Drama skits. Hopefully we'll be able to get everything done tomorrow. If not, there's always next week.


  • Interview sheets went home today. Remember to tell your parents that you will be conducting a student led conference and they are 30 minutes in length. If the form comes back with a younger brother or sister have your parents write student led beside Mrs. Hollis. Thank you!

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