Wednesday 1 May 2019

Image result for good couldn't be everywhere so he made grandparents
Thank you to all the grandparents who came to visit today. It was wonderful meeting everyone!

Today we began our unit on Data Management. We talked a bit about the importance of asking a good question when we are conducting a survey. Important parts of a survey include:
the phrasing of the question
the choices
recording of answers

Have a choice "other" might not be particularly helpful. The phrasing of the survey question might allow you to eliminate that choice. For example, instead of saying, "What is your favourite colour?" you could say, "Out of these colours, which one do you like the best?"

Displaying the data you collected was the focus of this lesson. We use a t-chart to organize our data and a graph to display it visually. The scale of the graph is what you count by on the vertical axis. You must look at the number of spaces available on the graph paper and your highest number on your t-chart.

Labels must also be included. The vertical and horizontal axes must be labeled and an appropriate title chosen to tell the reader the topic of the graph.

Finally, neatness and organization are very important. You want someone to look at your graph and easily get information or make conclusions.

Conclusions may include the most popular choice, the least popular or the difference between two choices.
Please complete your Action Task for tomorrow.
New Data Management Mathletics assignments.

We continue reading "The Breadwinner". There have been many shocking events in the novel so far, but what message do you think the author, Deborah Ellis, is trying to convey? Why did she write the book?

Image result for deborah ellis


  • Track and field tryouts tomorrow, weather permitting. Please come to school ready to participate.

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