Monday 15 April 2019

Today the grade fours reviewed simple multiplication and division. Tomorrow you will continue applying your knowledge to solve challenging problems. Complete your review sheets.

Grade fives, we discussed different types of multiplication problems:

  • Equal grouping
  • Comparing numbers (...times as many)
  • Area

Remember to use a variety of strategies to multiplying including:

  • Expanded form (3-digit by 1-digit)
  • Area Model 
  • Making an easier question (a bit of reasoning involved)
  • Standard algorithm

You should also be able to estimate products using high and low estimates. Remember we round when we estimate.

This week is Holy Week, the most important week in the Catholic Church. On Sunday we remembered Jesus' triumphant entrance into Jerusalem and the Passion of Jesus. The Passion describes the events from Holy Thursday all the way to Jesus' death on Good Friday. We will continue to reflect on the Sorrowful Mysteries and watch the Easter Story.

Why was Jesus in Jerusalem?

Related image
What happens to your body during exercise? What happens when you are cold? What happens when you are hot? How does your body produce heat?

Short video clip on why we shiver:

 Short video clip on why we sweat:

Circulatory System Test:
Words to know and understand the meaning:
chambers of the heart (atria and ventricles)
breathing rate

Follow a drop of blood as it enters the different chambers of the heart, travels to the lungs, back to the heart, to your body and back to your heart. What happens at each stop?
What are the three parts of the circulatory system (blood, blood vessels, heart)
What is deoxygenated blood?

Thinking / Application
How could you conduct an investigation that shows the effect of exercise on your heart and breathing rates?
How can you keep your heart healthy?
What are the benefits of exercise  on the body?
Why does exercise keep your heart healthy?
Why does shivering keep us warm? What does sweating keep us cool?

Video clip from today on the benefits of exercise:

In the Breadwinner today we discovered the effects of her father being imprisoned. What did her mother do? What was Parvana forced to do? Have you figured out why the novel is called "The Breadwinner"?

Finish your questions carefully, particularly your diary entry. Imagine you are Parvana..... what are you feeling about what happened?


  • Math test Wednesday
  • Science test Thursday
  • Stations of the Cross Thursday afternoon in the gym
  • Ms. Burchat's last day on Thursday :(

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