Monday 25 March 2019

Grade 4
Today we talked about longer units of times, decades, centuries and millenniums.
Just like renaming numbers, we can rename units of time.
For example 3 centuries = 300 years = 30 decades.
150 years ago is 1 century and 5 decades ago.

Image result for decades centuries millenniums worksheet

Do not complete question H for homework. We didn't get enough time to finish in class. You're welcome to find out when those events occurred.

More practice:

Grade 5
Elapsed time to the nearest second was part of your Action Task. It is exactly the same as to the nearest minute, except on the time line (number line) hop to the nearest minute first.

Make sure you complete A and B of the Action Task.

More practice:

We talked a bit about digestion in the stomach and how bile helps digest fats using oil, water and dish soap.

When we added the dish soap to the oil and water the oil globules (droplets or bubbles) disappeared and mixture looked cloudy. The dish soap chemically broke down the oil globules into pieces so small you couldn't see them in the mixture.

Shaking the jar was important. Shaking helps break up the oil globules (drops) so that the soap's chemicals can work more easily. Just like the churning in the stomach!

You can see in the diagram below the bile helps break up the clumps of fat into smaller particles so chemicals (enzymes) can break the fat down.

Image result for digestion bile
We say the sorrowful mysteries during the season of Lent when we pray the rosary. The first sorrowful mystery is the Agony in the Garden.

Related image

Tomorrow you will be given some time to reflect and connect to how Jesus was feeling. Some questions to think about....

  • Why do you think Jesus was anxious? 
  • While Jesus prayed in the garden, the disciples fell asleep. How do you think that might have made Jesus feel? 
  • Have you ever felt betrayed? Have people ever let you down? 
  • Have you ever let someone you love down? Did they still love you?
  • Do you turn to God when you are anxious?
We just starting writing our personal narratives. Remember to focus on a small seed, show don't tell emotion and make sure your writing has your own voice. 

  • Reading test tomorrow. Bring your book for reading groups.
  • Digestive System Test on Wednesday.
  • Phys. Ed tomorrow!

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