Wednesday 30 January 2019

Make sure you finish your review questions on representing different money amounts, estimating and counting money. Students who are away on Friday will be writing their math test tomorrow. The questions for the two grades are very similar. Grade 4 your money amounts are up to $100 and grade 5 up to $1000. No pennies on the test.

For the test you must know how to:
Read, write, draw and show money amounts in dollar notation.

E.g. I have 5 bills and 8 coins in my pocket. The largest bill is $20.00. What is one possible amount?

One possibility: $72.75
Draw the amount: (you may use a shortcut)

Write in words: seventy-two dollars and seventy-five cents.

When you are counting money amounts, estimate by counting the dollars only. Then count it mentally in your head starting from the largest bills. Lastly, to check your mental adding, group the money and add the total using pencil and paper.


Estimate: $31.00
Actual: $31.90

Check with addition:

I can also give you the words and ask you to write the money amount using numbers and symbols ($).

E.g. seven hundred sixty-nine dollars and fifty-five cents ($769.55)

We talked about how we have shown empathy in the past. When we show empathy we care and understand about how someone else feels. Our success criteria for empathy this month:

·     I am EMPATHETIC when I understand and appreciate the perspectives of others
·    I am EMPATHETIC when I listen and learn about other peoples’ situations and feelings so I can understand their perspective
·   I am EMPATHETIC when I try to connect with    the way someone feels
·  When I am EMPATHETIC I become more    caring by feeling with another person
·  When I am EMPATHETIC I do not judge others
·  When I am EMPATHETIC it helps me be a   better friend

Funny video from today:

It was a difficult decision choosing two students from our class for the virtue of empathy. Many students show empathy regularly in the classroom. Recipients will be announced tomorrow.

We also worked with a group to find out more about the seven sacraments. Share with a parent what you learned.

Image result for seven sacraments

In Science we made something disappear and then reappear. How did we do that? Share with a family member what we did. Why did it happen? What is this called?

Image result for penny in water refraction

See it happen in the video or try it at home!

Test tomorrow on light book. 
  • 10 multiple choice
  • 2 short answers (complete sentences)
  • 1 main idea of chapter in book
  • Open response (thinking question using proof from the text and your own ideas to support your idea)

  • Bring your book for reading groups tomorrow. 
  • Dress up as your favourite fairy tale character on Friday for Shrek day
  • Bring indoor shoes
  • Have a book in your desk for silent reading

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